Tape-In Hair Extensions Vs Clip-In Hair Extensions

People always like comparing one type of a thing with another to end up buying the best of all. Here’s a little attempt to help you gain knowledge about all aspects of two different types of extensions so you don’t have to waste time weighing their pros and cons later at the hair salon.

Clip-in extensions can be removed whenever you want. Same is not the case with tape-ins

Clip in hair extensions give you this amazing advantage of removing your artificial locks whenever you want. You will not need a certain chemical to help you remove your clip in, you can easily take them off whenever and wherever you want. You won’t be forced to get your clip-ins tag along wherever you go, you can wear them on certain occasions and flaunt your natural hair otherwise.

You cannot expect the same thing from your tape-in extensions. Once you get them installed, they can be removed after they’re no longer good to keep. Moreover, you can’t remove them without a professional’s help; there’s a chemical spray needed to remove these tape-in extensions which you might not have at your own place.

This is where clip-in extensions shine!

You have to remove clip-ins before sleeping but you don’t have to worry about tape-ins

Ok, now you need to know that it’s not optional but a prerequisite to get your hair rid of the extensions right before you hit the sack every night. Of course, other than nighttime, you can remove your clip-ins anytime and anywhere but there’s one time of the day where you have to take them off whether you want it or not which is night.

If you forget to take them out, the extensions might get ruined. As you can’t take the risk, you might need to set an alarm for removing your clip-in extensions.

To your amusement, this is not the case with tape in extensions; you don’t have to remove them from your hair every night and clip them back in every morning. They are installed amongst your hair in a way that they don’t trouble you at all, and they are supposed to stay there for a couple of weeks unimpededly.

Tape-in hair extensions last for 8-12 weeks while clip-in extensions can work for years

Tape-in extensions have an expiry date to them, they cannot last forever. If you take good care of them, they will last for 12 weeks at max. Good care includes brushing them every day and washing them once in a blue moon and applying conditioner on them every so often, and so on and so forth.

In case of clip-in extensions, you will not have to worry about them nearing an expiry date. They are not likely to be reaching their end so soon. Clip-in hair extensions come with no expiry date and at all; they remain usable for a couple of years if you take good care of them.

Your artificial hair cannot be told from the normal hair because of tape-in hair extensions. Clip-ins on the other end can be visible

If you wear clip-ins and you have fine hair, there’s a chance of your clip-ins being visible to naked eye. These extensions are clipped to your hair with a small clip-like tool and perhaps that’s why they’re called clip-ins. On a stroke of air, your extensions can become seeable.

If we talk about tape-in extensions on the other hand, they’re installed among your hair with a transparent tape which makes it impossible for anyone to tell your extended hair from your natural hair. If they’re installed perfectly, by no chance they can appear to be fake or indifferent.

Tape in extensions take 1-2 hours to be installed while clip-in hair extensions take 10-30 minutes to be installed

When you are at the salon prepared to get tape-in hair extensions, make yourself patient enough to sit in one place for 1 to 2 hours at least. Tape-in extensions cannot be installed in the blink of an eye; it is going to be a time-consuming job.

Contrary to that, clip-in extensions can be installed among your hair in next to no time. You will not feel tired after leaving the hair extensions salon because it can get done within half an hour or less. hypno

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