10 Myths About Allergy People Should Stop Believing

When you find yourself allergic to anything, instead of going to an allergist you start googling the symptoms and then you find and believe whatever you see on the internet. There are so many myths that so many people believe such as.

Most common Myths About Allergy

  1. Cold and Allergy Cannot Be Differentiated

This is one of the biggest myth that most of the people believe and that is why instead of visiting an allergy center they just wait for it to go away on its own. This thing can be dangerous because if you are allergic and don’t pay attention to it, then your allergy might lead to a severe health issue. The major difference between cold and an allergy is;

  • Cold comes along with body aches and fever and usually lasts 8-10 days.
  • Whereas, allergy comes in a particular season and goes away with the season.
  1. Short-Haired Pets Don’t Cause Allergy

Well, people who believe in this myth need to know that pet allergy is caused by animal dander that is present in pet’s skin, saliva, and its urine so, it doesn’t matter if your pet has long or short hair. If you are pet-allergic, your pet can cause problems. In order to avoid triggering your allergy, use a mask while playing with your pet and keep the pet outside. If it can’t be kept outdoors then make sure you keep your room pet-free so that you at least have one safest place for you.

  1. Black Mold in the Bathroom Causes Allergies

The black mold in your bathroom no doubt looks pretty nasty but there is no chance that it could travel in the air and enter your respiratory tract because it is quite sticky and slippery that it doesn’t leave the bathroom tiles much easier. However, according to many allergists, some allergic reactions can be triggered if it comes in contact with the body such as itching.

  1. You Cannot Get Allergic To Pets If You Don’t Have One

Well, if you don’t own a pet doesn’t mean that you can never develop a pet allergy. The allergens that cause pet allergy usually stick up in the clothes and come along with you so, if you are a sensitive person then you might start getting the symptoms and develop pet allergy.

  1. Eating A Little Amount of Food That You Are Allergic To Doesn’t Cause Harm

A lot of people end up visiting an allergy center because of this act i.e. they eat a small amount of food that triggers an allergy in them. The truth is that taking in even the smallest amount of food that you are allergic to can lead to serious issues or life-threatening allergic reactions.

  1. Moving To a New Environment Cures Allergies

Allergens are found everywhere. So it doesn’t matter if you choose to move to a whole different environment in order to escape your allergies. However, you might get a short relief, but new allergens of the new environment could cause allergic reactions again.

  1. Beaches Are Pollen-Free

Don’t think that beaches are 100% pollen-free. There is however low pollen count at the beaches, but the greener areas could have greater pollen count. Make sure you take the precautionary steps before going on a beach so that you can enjoy your vacations without any disruption.

  1. Honey Eases Allergy Symptoms

Honey is however quite healthy for you, but it doesn’t treat all kind of allergies. Moreover, honey cannot build or boost up your immunity so enjoy the sweet taste but don’t rely on it to ease up your allergy symptoms.

  1. Taking Medicines Daily Isn’t Necessary

If you get exposed to the allergens that trigger your allergy then it is important for you to take the medications on a daily basis to get effective results, and because the medicines work and stop new symptoms from showing up. However, if you take the medicines only when symptoms hit up, the medicines won’t be able to work properly and avoid the building up of new symptoms.

  1. Asthma Patients Can’t Exercise

Having asthma doesn’t really mean that you cannot exercise. You can, however, consult your allergist before starting the exercise.

Rather than believing in such myths, visit an allergy center VA to get proper guidance and awareness about the allergic symptoms, myths, and facts about it.

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