Benefits of parental care before pregnancy

Are you a pregnant woman who wants to know more about parental care? Then this article is intended for you. Any woman who is pregnant for the first time will be having some prejudices and expectations about pregnancy. Parental care is the  only reliable source from which  a pregnant woman takes energy and confidence for carrying the baby in her womb for nine  months and giving birth to the child and bringing it up.

Parental care given to a pregnant woman puts her two steps ahead of others who have not received such care. Aspiring mothers can be advised to take folic acid and vitamin B12 regularly which is very essential for proper growth of the child. They will have to take regular immunisations. If they are subjected to any medications they can continue them also.

Women who are depressed are likely to have serious problems during pregnancy. So it is better to have a medical check up and get the advice of the psychologist before becoming pregnant. Parents will be the correct persons to guide a woman at this stage and bring peace of mind and confidence in her. Five benefits of parental care are discussed below.

5 Benefits

  1. Improve your overall health: Just like you take precautions about mental health before pregnancy, maintaining an overall healthy body is the primary requirement for bearing a healthy child in your womb. Your parents will be the correct persons to advice you and guide you in this regard..
  2. Health of the baby dependent upon the health of the mother to be: if the mother   to be is very healthy and positive in attitude, there is no doubt that it will be reflected on the baby growing in her womb. Parents know this fact   very well from their experience. They will therefore take care to see that their daughter is very healthy so that their grand child is born healthy.
  3. Your baby gets what you eat: Mother’s diet is crucial as the child gets the nourishments and vitamins that the parent eats. Parents know this very well from their experience. If a pregnant woman gets parental care, you can be sure that the parent will see that all the required vegetables and herbs are included in the diet of the mother-to-be.
  4. External factors: Some factors like dealing with chemicals during your everyday activities in life has to be avoided for the benefit of the child in your womb. If you live with your parents their care can be useful in matters like this as they can handle such situations themselves and save their daughter from the harshness of chemicals.
  5. Proper parental care gives confidence to the mother: Confidence is very important during pregnancy especially at the time of delivery. if the parents are near by a pregnant woman will not be in need of anything. Everything she needs will be understood by the parents and will be made available at the right time. The knowledge which she needs about the child and her brining up will be provided by the parents and this will give her immense courage and confidence.
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